Wednesday, December 16, 2009

bruce reulas questions UPDATED

Chapter 7 and 8
Chapter 7
Describe boxcitus (How is Boxcitus originally spelled)? The use of many boxes
Chapter 8
What does space emphasize? Direction
Chapter 7
When boxes must be use in a design one should try to…… any of the above (what are the above?)
Chapter 8
Since the department pages define visual personality of it is important they and unified by … distinctive head and outer margin sink age.
Chapter 7
Why should a designer use a grid in their designs? It gives a design consistency
Chapter 7
According to Sean morissioin type designers are closer to what. Architects
Chapter 8
Who said that quote design that stray must do so knowingly? Walter dexel
Chapter 7
Chain of thought should be what? An order that is by the reader.
Chapter 8
Complete the following quote. Rhythm is in time what symmetry is in Space (what is symmetry in space?)
Chapter 7
James t major the Japanese artist said the most difficult part of painting is what?
Deciding what to leave out 

Chapter 8
Placing information to show priority
Way finding
Chapter 8
A designer’s tool to connect multiple pages is what? White space
Chapter 8
A designs plain has got to include…. Order in sequencing
Chapter 7
Buildings purpose and size are the architect’s first considerations. Similar to this what is the first decision a designer must make? Determining a documents purpose and page size.
Chapter 8
Blank should be used with caution because its starter ling.. Diagonal emphasize
Chapter 7
In addition to being right what does Paul Ran (never got to finish this question)
Chapter 8
A mason can be compare to a graphic designer element and bricks to designs so morter is a design element ….. White space 

Chapter 9
Who is considering the father of the hole? Henry more
Which is not one of the ways to create depth? Implying motion by making elements
We live in a 3 dimensional word that has height, width and depth.
Bruno forced what for the use of the string what? B (what is B?)
Who develop the useless of machine and the unreadable book? Brono manarri
Name 2 of the 4 methods that you can achieve this goal. …….
Special illusion can be volume of implied void. Space
How does a hole create 3 dimensionally? Because it creates one side to another.
Semi transparent can suggested what? 3 dimensional space
As architectural details repeated design elements must be a. definable and inconsistent
According to chap 9 what type are designed for what type of readership? (Please fill)
Special illusion is crate by what? (Please fill)
What was the earliest truest painting perspective called? The holly trinity.
What is created when one or more transparent are crated? Ambiguous space. (I don’t that’s the right answer)
Chapter 7 and 8
Chapter 7
Describe boxcitus (How is Boxcitus originally spelled)? The use of many boxes
Chapter 8
What does space emphasize? Direction
Chapter 7
When boxes must be use in a design one should try to…… any of the above (what are the above?)
Chapter 8
Since the department pages define visual personality of it is important they and unified by … distinctive head and outer margin sink age.
Chapter 7
Why should a designer use a grid in their designs? It gives a design consistency
Chapter 7
According to Sean morissioin type designers are closer to what. Architects
Chapter 8
Who said that quote design that stray must do so knowingly? Walter dexel
Chapter 7
Chain of thought should be what? An order that is by the reader.
Chapter 8
Complete the following quote. Rhythm is in time what symmetry is in Space (what is symmetry in space?)
Chapter 7
James t major the Japanese artist said the most difficult part of painting is what?
Deciding what to leave out 

Chapter 8
Placing information to show priority
Way finding
Chapter 8
A designer’s tool to connect multiple pages is what? White space
Chapter 8
A designs plain has got to include…. Order in sequencing
Chapter 7
Buildings purpose and size are the architect’s first considerations. Similar to this what is the first decision a designer must make? Determining a documents purpose and page size.
Chapter 8
Blank should be used with caution because its starter ling.. Diagonal emphasize
Chapter 7
In addition to being right what does Paul Ran (never got to finish this question)
Chapter 8
A mason can be compare to a graphic designer element and bricks to designs so morter is a design element ….. White space 

Chapter 9
Who is considering the father of the hole? Henry more
Which is not one of the ways to create depth? Implying motion by making elements
We live in a 3 dimensional word that has height, width and depth.
Bruno forced what for the use of the string what? B (what is B?)
Who develop the useless of machine and the unreadable book? Brono manarri
Name 2 of the 4 methods that you can achieve this goal. …….
Special illusion can be volume of implied void. Space
How does a hole create 3 dimensionally? Because it creates one side to another.
Semi transparent can suggested what? 3 dimensional space
As architectural details repeated design elements must be a. definable and inconsistent
According to chap 9 what type are designed for what type of readership? (Please fill)
Special illusion is crate by what? (Please fill)
What was the earliest truest painting perspective called? The holly trinity.
What is created when one or more transparent are crated? Ambiguous space. (I don’t that’s the right answer)
Chapter 9
Who is considering the father of the hole? Henry more
Which is not one of the ways to create depth? Implying motion by making elements
Question from Bruce.
Bruno forced what for the use of the string what? B
Who develop the useless of machine and the unreadable book? Brono manarri
Name 2 of the 4 method that you can achieve this goal. …….
Spaceul illusion can be volmune of implied viod. Space
How does a hole create 3 dimensionality? Because it creates one side to another.
Semi transparent can suggested what? 3 dimansional space
As arcitedcual details repetaded design elements must be a. definable and inconsistent
According to chap 9 what type are designed for what type of readership? 2 level.
Spacual illusion is crate by what?
What was the earliest truest painting perspective called? The holly trinity.
What is created when one or more transparent are crated? Embigist space. 

Chapter 10
1. Clarity id the true essence of typography. true
2. It is the contrast of the letterform to its _______ to be legible . surrounding space
3. What is the key to creating expressive typography? Know the copies meaning and its importance to the reader.
4. Typography involves far more in working with what? Abstraction or black shapes
5. Piet Zwart what is more useful in typography? Use an uninteresting letter.
6. Typography is defined all but. The design of letterforms
7. Type must be. Simple and expressive
8. 9 times out of 10 typographic decisions should be about what? Manipulating a space around letter forms.
9. True or false? Pauses in rhythm are expressed typographically by multiple altered elements and joined ends of line. False
10. We say that typography is what? the voice of a printed page
Chapter 11 question
1. Type size should be proportional to line length. larger
2. Frutiger avenier acecidenz are all examples of what? sen seif
3. What type classification letters are carved in stone and are usually all caps? Glyphic
4. Paragraphs leads us to what? a new idea.
5. Which of the following affect the readability of content? Legibility of the typeface
6. The blank affects the possession of type size and legibility. X height
7. Why should designer use old style with lower case characters? Because old style figures that blend in the text.
8. Which of these are not parts in the 3 division of sans seif? Transitional or bauhuas
9. Bruce question number 3 Script is the answer
10. What type on a black background appears smaller then on black and Wight.
Questions 12
What are the two kinds of type in chapter 12?
a. Display and text
b. Letterform and kering
c. Headline and structure
d. Abstraction and phrases
Blank is type is used to draw attention to itself, to stop the browser and lead to a specific piece of secondary type. What is the blank? Is it…
a. Primary type
b. Display type
c. Main type
d. Abstract type
Typographic abstraction exploits the nine type contrast describe so which one of the choices are a part of the nine?
a. Density
b. Balance
c. Hierarchy
d. Dominance
Questions of chapter 13 and the Tina Roth
1. Swiss, which of the following is not Swiss miss? Geniva speakers
2. Chapter 13, display blank. Describes content
3. Chapter 13, space between all characters in a paragraph is what? tracked
4. Chapter 13, a short phrase or a word or part of a word is widow.
5. Swiss, Tina Roth goes to Switzerland how any times a week? 3
6. Swiss, Tina new origination is called what? to do
7. Chapter 13, a common misconception blank not point size is what appears text small. X hight.
8. Swiss, what is the password for a trail for the to so. nutela
9. Chapter 13, what are the computer commands when manulayy forces tiger spacing . by seleting it. option delete
10. Chapter 13, optimal line spacing must be. greater then word spacing
11. Michel criton book cover of what set vilhil stils idea. Prey
12. Swiss, how many visitors come and connect monthly to swiss miss? 600,000
13. Swiss, when in what year did the year did the swiss miss begin? 2005
14. Chapter 13, according to dp updite our works appearance appers good on what? composition
15. Chapter 13, What is the goal for a well set text? Even Color
16. Swiss, izenberg full time job called what? Plumdesing
17. Swiss, what company did Tina Roth do from start to finish? Visual thesaurus
18. Chapter 13, what is the best way to treat punctuation for a clean right Colum edge on a justify Colum. Hang the punguation
19. Chapter 13, what unit named the unit between? one pica.
20. Swiss, which is not a reason that confirms for blogging popularity? profitable membership fees
21. Chapter 13, typographical word spaces is generally what since the 15th century? Increased
22. Swiss, Swiss people are obsessed with what? branding
23. Chapter 13, we can call an orphan when? When its on top of a column.
24. Swiss, in all new beginnings duel a magic force? Who said that? Herman hesse
25. Swiss, Bruce 2nd questions
26. Chapter 11, typographical technicalities is . classicasion and dasses
27. Chapter 13, textus is latin for text.

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